Life is a beautiful struggle...I wouldn't change a thing.....This how I see it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What's New, What's New.....

HI There!
I've been soooooooooo busy, soooooooo tired and I'm so sorry I haven't really kept up with returning phone calls, emails, im's or texts. Lemme get some updates in right quick.....
How bout work? I'm still at CAPS part time. I just can't quit them, they're my people, lol. I'm not at Heartland anymore tho, my time with them ended last week, cuz they're too far and gas is too much AND.....I'm finally in at Loyola. That's right, I've reached one of the highest echelons in the technician world-HOSPITAL STATUS! yEAH, BITCHES! But I hate it. Not the work, but the pharmacists are so rude and so mean and so disrespectful.....ugh. It's disgusting. Not so much to me-they tried that shit the first day-and you know I had to lay it down-MS. ASHLEY DOES NOT PLAY THAT SHIT. But it pisses me off so badly to see them treating other people badly. They told this one girl that they don't have to respect her because she's just a technician, and when she gets her degree then they'll address her with respect. That's some bulllllllll. I swear. Regardless of whatever differing levels we may be on professionally-we're both still people. And you're degree in NO WAY makes you a better person than me. I deserve the same respect I give to you simply because we are both human beings. I am neither your dog, nor your child. Don't talk to me like I am either. All the work that you REFUSE to do because you are a PharmD. and it's beneath you-well guess would who HAVE to do that if your technicians weren't around????? YOU. JAGOFF. And do you realize that your career and your license and your 100,000$ degree depend on me doing my job right-so be nice-I'm less likely to fuck something up and kill someone if I'm happy.*sigh*
Sorry for that, lol. Lil venting, But other than the people Loyola's good. Moneys real nice. It's pretty close. And it's 7 on/7 off-So thats pretty fuckin A. Cuz Van misses me and the kids miss me and now they can see me and get sick of me again, lol.
The kids are lovely as usual. Fat boy is only getting fatter. He is still his fathers clone-except for his eyes-which are STILL bright and BLUE. He's up to eating 10 ounces every 4-5 hours. WOW. Trini never ate that much. He scoots along on the floor-he's a mover. He rolls over and he LAUGHS AND SQUEALS and everytime he does my heart dances. I love my son! Trini is growing up so quickly. She's so self-sufficent, and stubborn, and strong willed. She's MY twin, lol. She is so smart and I'm so proud of her everyday. She can drive you nuts with her stubborness sometimes-but I love the fact that she's her own person. The twins are good. They are still being put through a ton of crap b/c of the greasy one. Poor babes. The beginning of this school year, Van was doing homework with them every week. Their first quarter grades were A's and B's but since this garbage popped off they've dropped all the way to D's. And clear your calendars cuz their birthday party is June 30th. We were supposed to take them somewhere-but she's still being selfish and still thinking of only herself, and like all the lawyers say "it's a control issue" so when we asked for a weekday-she bugged out talking about "her time" even tho we gave up our time so she could have them for one weekend a month and her birthday and mothersday weekend. And i ain't going to 6 flags or anywhere like it on a weekend-too crowded. So we gonna party hearty. Be there. Can't do nothing but be happy with what we got-she's not worth the energy it costs me to be negative. And I know we got a nice little saving in the Karmic bank, and that psychotic heifer is negative. She can do whatever she wants. She won't ever be able to stop them from coming over here and being happy. : )
What else.....hmmmmmm?
I got my first real diamonds on mother's day! Beautiful earrings! I only take them off when I have to go into the cleanroom-I love them so much! (Thank you baby)
We were watching Miss Universe last night on tv and during the evening gown competition Trin goes "Mommy! LOOK! THE PRINCESS!!" LOL. And then when they were down to the last five or whatever she goes "mommy. the same. look. the same." and she was right-all those girls did look the same.
I feel good. I feel great. I feel beautiful. I feel envied and desired. Two kids later and I feel like I am in better shape than I ever was. Life is hard, but God is with us, and HE helps us with every step. I am tired, but I am happy and the future holds so much more happiness for us (who cares if it doesn't hold any rest for me, lol) I'm excited and positive. Thats what's new. I am HAPPY. And I am POSITIVE. Cuz I know things will not only be just fine-they will be GREAT.

Hey! And I'm not pregnant anymore. I can go out and stuff, so hit me up. I miss my people. And I can have some fun once in a while. It's ok.

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