Life is a beautiful struggle...I wouldn't change a thing.....This how I see it.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Almost any "real" writer......and they'll tell you.....if they wrote when they "wanted" to write......they NEVER would.
Why? All other creative professionals LOVE what they do, can't help but *want* to compulsively do it......singers....actors.....artists....musicians....but not a writer. Being able to write skillfully and creatively and compellingly is such a gift. It is so rare. So few people realize how rare. Writing is not spelling, grammar, punctuation and imagination. It's hard....sososo very hard to convey situations and emotions and atmosphere through black words on off-white paper. I almost want to scrap this post entirely. Why?'s not good enough and the thought and effort it requires to make this post readable(imo) is just too much.
*sigh*Well the point is. I'm not blogging. And it has nothing to do with having nothing to's about the effort required to say it. So much is going on. I actually think I'm having a mini-nervous breakdown. Not just think......I'm fairly certain. And what better place to explore how my life has conspired against me than here. In my safe place. My blog. Free from judgmental friends and hubby and heifers and nosy nere-do-wells.......but I just can't pull this cork and let it out. Because it requires far too much effort on my write....and at this point...holding my head up and keeping my eyes open is sapping all of my strength.

1 comment:

Malcimus Maximus said...

Wow. I've been there way too many times. Breathe first. Take a moment... Put things in perspective in two groups of thing you can control and can't. Throw the one's you can't out the window. Tackle each can task realistically without "hopes" or "what if's". That's how I deal with the hard shit. Hopefully it helps.
