Life is a beautiful struggle...I wouldn't change a thing.....This how I see it.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A response in response to your response but in another blog entirely....yeah...

I know what she wants. I know why she's fixated on the untruth that things were perfect until I came along. She wants to be special. I mean-it does make sense that she does want a little credit for giving bir-wait correction-carrying and then having two of his children removed from her womb. It's natural to want a little respect. Maybe some honor from this man. And there was a point where she could have got it-and it has nothing to do with them breaking up or why they did. But you need some vital things to respect a person and trust in their words, deeds, and motivation is just part of it-a part that she lost. Whenever he brings up how many or the depth to which her lies have gone-she goes "Well you lied to me." Yes. He did. Once. And it was natural considering the situation. It was one thing-and it had nothing to do with the wellfare or state of the children. So if thats all you got-you need to quit that line.
So he can't trust her. But then there is aanother thing. Me. While she is the mother to half his offspring-I take credit for the other fifty percent. And on top of that-I am his WIFE. Which is where she lost any respect she could have had with me. When there I had an issue with her-I texted her. I called her. I offered to go over there. And what did she do? She ignored me. She told my husband "Get your girl."
Lemme explain something flat out. He is my husband not my father. I don't follow his command unquestioning. He is my life partner not my boss. He doesn't order me to do anything. So if you want something of me-you'll get the best results by asking me. In addition-he's not just my husband, and partner-he's my BEST FRIEND. And we tell each other everything. To tell one of us something in confidence and not expect it to be shared with the other at some point of time is foolish. And if ya don't know-now you know. And to anyone that didn't know and is now wondering if i know about???????Yes. I do. And I have for a while.
But back to the point. I am mother, lover, wife, friend, confidant, partner, nurse, and so much more in my relationship with Verlander. She has one role-BABY MOMMA. And while she may covet the level of respect and trust I recieve-she needs to address whats lacking with her own husband. And stop trying to use their children to blackmail mine into caring about her or caring less about me. I know she feels like that since they were here first-her and her kids are of a higher priority than me and mine-but thats not true. My husband will never assign a unmatching values on his love or attention or support for any of his children. He is not that kind of man. I adopt that attitude when in my house-all of the children are treated equally I do not give favor to my own over those I had no part in making. And while-to Verlander-our children will never be unequaled-her and I-will never be equals. Not even close. So her expectations are totally unreal. And thats not my fault. Not his fault. And not the fault of the kids.

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