Life is a beautiful struggle...I wouldn't change a thing.....This how I see it.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Rethinking My Postion

Man, yesterday was AWFUL!
I was so sick-like near death flulike symptoms, everything hurts, I'm dying help me sick. While everyone else is pigging out and leftover ham and cornbread and taters and PIE-I'm tryna choke down ramen noodles and gatorade.
And then to make matters worse-mid-afternoon, I start having lovely contractions. God-I for got how much those things HURT. Or course I did. your body makes you forget. there is no way you'd ever do it again if you could clearly recall that agony. Van is all like call your midwife-but I know better. They're regular-but they're an hour apart. So NOT anywhere near active labor. But as the end of each hour approaches-GOD-I am DYING. I'm so scared. I'm just like I don't want to have another contraction!!!!!!!!! And then another one rips through me. And I'm thinking what the hell is wrong with me??? This was a bad idea. And a worse idea is to try and do this naturally-why would anyone do that? What made me think I could do that?!?!?!?! I finally passed out in the ball of pain and hunger and sickness and confusion around midnight. But this morning-which brings with it a slight relief from the illness of yesterday and THANKFULLY no contractions-also brings with it a clarity-I AM SO GETTING THAT GODDAMNED EPIDURAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And V says no, you can do it natural. You got through last night didn't you?
And I'm trying to convey to him that last night was NOTHING compared to whats to come.
SO yeah.
i've totally rethought my birth

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