Life is a beautiful struggle...I wouldn't change a thing.....This how I see it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mr. Personality

My page song is dedicated to E. Greasy bka E. Ribbet(the big E. Ribbet not the small one cuz trin has a crush on the small one and he hasn't done anything wrong) most of the descriptions in the song are dead on except for the whole "Personality" part b/c he doesn't have one to speak of really. It's mostly dirt and hard looks and drunkenness and wannabe hardass attitude and echoes of whatever sweet greasy, his partner in slime, has to say.
SO, here's to you-you ugly, stupid, foulmouthed jagoff.
I got 1 gilette left out-"you're SO ugly THE only person you could get to marry you is FOUR times your size and even more IGNORANT than you are!"
Seriously. I KNOW the deal. If you COULD get somebody that still had a waist (or neck....or less than 6 chins...)you WOULD but with a FACE like that-WHO WOULD HAVE YOU?????

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