Life is a beautiful struggle...I wouldn't change a thing.....This how I see it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


so the boy has one of the girls little keychains and i take it away from him so, you know, he doesn't choke and die. and he looks at me like "what the hell? why are you always taking shit away from me?" and in my HEAD i'm like "but i'm your mother-it's my JOB to take shit away from you." and this little dialouge that has played out IN MY HEAD, makes me just crack up. and because i start laughing he starts laughing and i can't help but wonder if maybe he thought the whole thing was hysterical too. i know he's only 9 months old and preverbal-but that doesn't mean he's doesn't already have my absurd sense of humor.
stop looking at me like that.

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