Life is a beautiful struggle...I wouldn't change a thing.....This how I see it.
Monday, December 31, 2007
But I have to say, last night was the BEST New Years Eve, EVER! I cannot imagine anything making the night more fun, or special, or wonderful. My baby girls and my little boy were beauties. My brother and sister came, my brother and I actually made up. Then the fuckers ate all my shrimp, and blamed it on Ambers boyfriend. I was so happy Jennifer made it over in time for the ball drop, even though she works at 6am this morning-she rang in the New Year with me. You know what that means, J? You're stuck with my ass for ANOTHER year bitch! w00t! lmao.
But seriously, there were absolutely magical moments last night and it was amazing, and I'll never foget it-and I'm taking it as a sign my 2008 is going to be just as amazing.
Ugh-I'm hungover. But I'm happy. I'm smiling. In 3 hours, half of the children will be whisked away, and it will be a little quieter. Wishing everybody PEACE, LOVE, AND PROSPERITY in the New Year! And don't forget to vote 4 Obama!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Ummm...Can you say
Dail will receive a chump change $360,000 from the state – $20,000 for each year he spent in prison. Upon his release he was served with a lawsuit by ex-girlfriend Lorraine Michaels, the mother of his son, who is seeking back child support. Dail said he was devastated by the suit, and that his son had recently moved to Florida to live with him.
Child Support Lawsuit Dropped Against Dwayne Dail
Goldsboro — A child support lawsuit for back child support against a Wayne County man who spent 18 years in prison for a crime he did not commit has been dropped.
Dwayne Dail said the suit, filed in November by his former girlfriend Lorraine Michaels for back child support while he was in prison, was dismissed Friday.
But he said he could not comment on the deal but was happy the matter was resolved.
"I am very happy and relieved to have this black cloud removed from me and my son's bonding process," Dail said. "And I hope that there can begin some healing between me and Lori, too. This has been extremely difficult for everyone involved."
Michaels sued for a "reasonable sum" of a $360,000 compensatory payment Dail is due from the state for his wrongful imprisonment.
Earlier this month, a judge ruled Michaels should receive only a portion, if any, of the payment
Dail spent 18 years in prison for the rape of a 12-year-old girl. He was exonerated by DNA evidence in August.
He is expected to receive that by the end of January and said he plans to use it to buy a house for him and his son and enroll them both in college. Dail said he wants to pursue a career in criminal justice to help other innocent people in prison.
"I want to have that feeling of having helped someone who is desperately in need of help," he said.
What a coincidence that the bitch was suing for the EXACT amount that Dail was getting in his settlement against the state, eh? I can't believe this bullshit. He was in PRISON, thru no fault of his own. For something he didn't DO. for eighteen years. EIGHTEEN YEARS. And this greedy bitch wants to sue him. I'm apalled. Seriously.
And I am sure it was not easy. It's never easy to support a child on your own. I have the incredible burden of carrying the brunt of responsibilty for supporting our SIX person family on my shoulders-and it ain't easy. But to sue him-when it wasn't even his fault he wasn't there to support his kid. (HE WANTED TO BE! I BET IT WAS KILLING HIM THOSE 18 YEARS TO BE AWAY FROM HIS KID.) I think, especially in this day and age-with divorce rates and unmarried parent rates being what they are, everybody should enter in to the whole process of making a baby, knowing, in the back of their mind, that they may have to raise and SUPPORT this child on their own. I don't think women should feel entitled to receieve money from their "baby's daddy". I think if you love and want your child, you should be prepared to take care of them. Using ONLY your means. Period. I feel like some of you may be looking at me like I'm being pig-headed and only looking at this from one angle. I'm not. I know he scenario of lil tanisha from down the block and ray-ray from over there tells her he loves her, gets her pregnant, and then in her eighth month decides he doesn't want anything to do with her or the baby anymore, cuz he's got tata or whoever. But tanisha is being told by society to take his ass to court and drain him for all he's worth. why? why can't society and the government encourage her to go and work hard for herself and her baby, cuz thats all she's got. and if she doesn't want the financial burden of the baby-give him to somebody who does. don't drown the baby in the bathtub and throw him in the garbage(thats a totally different topic but whatever) I'm just saying. I come from nothing. I come from absolute mediocrity. We were poor my WHOLE life. Food stamps(real STAMPS not this bougie ass "link card"), gov'ment cheese, big ass cans of "processesed PORK product", houses with lead paint, rats, roaches, clothes that didn't fit, most of them with holes in them, neither of my parents went to college. None of my grandparents went to college. Most of my people, the stock that smarty-pants Ashley comes from, never even graduated HIGHSCHOOL. ok? So I come from mediocrity. I don't come from anything great or special or better than anyone else. I come from addictions, drug problems, chemical imbalances, abuse, psych institutions, I COME FROM THAT. And here I fucking am. Busting my ass. To support my family. Supporting my two kids AND somebody elses on top of it. Paying for my three bedroom, that I'll own in another 12 years, with NO LEAD PAINT and NOT A DAMN ROACH and the only rat here is our pet, Tupac. We have heat and lights and phone and internet in our own names. And I got here. I did this. Coming from where I'm from. And I'm not saying I didn't have help along the way. I did. I couldn't have done it without help. But the help didn't do it FOR ME. Couldn't have. It's impossible.
So don't tell me tanisha can't support her baby without taking 22% of ray-rays check. Don't tell me she doesn't have the means or the education to support herself and her child. And don't tell me that when the baby turns eighteen, she derserves some kind of big ass check to "reimburse" her for doing WHAT SHE WAS SUPPOSED to do. Raise her son, using her own means. Not other peoples. And not the states. Cuz i did it. I AM A HIGHSCHOOL DROPOUT. and I AM A TEENAGE MOTHER. And guess the fuck what else, my childrens father even went to jail on my ass-BUT NONE OF THAT HAS STOPPED ME FROM DOING WHAT I HAD TO DO. And i DO NOT think I am OWED anything from anybody.
Maybe it's a matter of pride. I refuse to let anybody do for me, what I can do myself. I simply refuse. Then I feel like I owe them something. Then I feel like I am less than. I feel like they're better than me. And nobody is better than me. I'm the best there fucking is.
Maybe everybody needs that pride. And how can you be proud of yourself when all you did to get the money to support your child was go downtown and say "this is the guy i slept with and this is where he works, go get him." is that really satisfying?
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
pretty nice christmas present
Sunday, December 23, 2007
12 Days Of Christmas-Who Knew?
The "Partridge in a pear tree" was Christ.
2 Turtle Doves = The Old and New Testaments
3 French Hens = Faith, Hope and Charity-- the Theological Virtues
4 Calling Birds = the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists
5 Golden Rings = The first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch", which relays the history of man's fall from grace.
6 Geese A-laying = the six days of Creation
7 Swans A-swimming = the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments
8 Maids A-milking = the eight beatitudes
9 Ladies Dancing = the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit
10 Lords A-leaping = the ten commandments
11 Pipers Piping = the eleven faithful apostles
12 Drummers Drumming = the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed
The abbreviation of Xmas for Christmas is not irreligious. The first letter of the word Christ in Greek is chi, which is identical to our X. Xmas was originally an ecclesiastical abbreviation that was used in tables and charts.
The actual gift givers are different in various countries:
England: Father Christmas
France: Pere Noel (Father Christmas)
Germany: Christkind (angelic messenger from Jesus) She is a beautiful fair haired girl with a shining crown of candles.
Holland: St Nicholas.
Italy: La Befana (a kindly old witch)
Spain and South America: The Three Kings
Russia: In some parts - Babouschka (a grandmotherly figure) in other parts it is Grandfather Frost.
Scandinavia: a variety of Christmas gnomes. One is called Julenisse.
The Christmas season begins at sundown on 24th December and lasts through sundown on 5th January. For that reason, this season is also known as the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Praying For A Christmas Miracle
"Hope is a good thing. Perhaps the best of things."-Andy Dufrense
Thursday, December 20, 2007
the little boy
boy: blagerggg
me:hi little boy
boy:pobt pobt pobt
me:i love you little boy
boy: ....
me:say i love you mommy
boy: ba ba ba ba ba ba
boy: daaaaaaaaaaa?
me: say mommy you are the most prettiest mommy ever
boy: wuuudjuuuu oooooOOOOOOO
me: why thank you little boy this is a new top. whats that?
boy: blether
me:AWWW! thank you little boy! i think it goes well with my coloring too! you're so observant.
me:i know you like my shirt little boy but please stop eating it.
me:i love you little boy
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Don’t Tase Me ,Bro
1."Don't Tase Me, Bro,"
2."I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."
3."In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country."
4."That's some nappy-headed hos there,"
5."I don't recall."
6."There's only three things he (Republican presidential candidate and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani) mentions in a sentence: a noun and a verb and 9/11."
7."I'm not going to get into a name-calling match with somebody (Vice President Dick Cheney) who has a 9 percent approval rating.
8."(I have) a wide stance when going to the bathroom."
9."I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."
10."I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history."
Our past year in a nutshell.
Are you all savvy enough to know who said each of these? hmmm?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
kinda warm in here
Vin Diesel makes me want to have sex.
Seriously, like, "The Pacifier", could be like porn to me. (ewww-that sounds sick)
It's not just that he's hot. He's smokin hot but thats not it-cuz just looking at a picture of him doesn't get me all riled up. It's like the whole thing, the whole package. His sheer massiveness and his facial expressions and his voice thats so deep you can feel it in your bones. THAT TURNS ME ON! omg! It's just such a hot combo.
And it's not just when he's all Riddick'd up and fightin uglies.....cuz I just watched "Find Me Guilty" and he's this old mob guy and he's got thining hair and wrinkles and NO six pack whatsoever, he's got this cute little tummy and I was so totally aflame.................whew!
wow,wow,wowee, wowowowowow
Yes, yes, yes. No big to-do for me. No club-hopping. No fancy finger foods.
Some cheese and crackers for my babies, and some sparkling grape juice to wash it all down. Mmmmm-I wonder how many of them will make it to midnight?
There will definately be alcohol for me and the other grown-ups. Except for my sister, she can't hold her liquor, so she doesn't try.
If anyone wants to join our quiet(ish)-you can't be too quiet with a house full of children, gala-let me know. Of course our friends are welcome.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
"life's not a bitch. life is a beautiful woman. you only call her a bitch cuz she wouldn't let you get that pussy."
Possibly my favortie quote of all time. It's so true. We curse our lives, because they won't let us get the good stuff. The good man, the nice house, the great job, lots of money, easy living. Our dreams will never come true. Not thru any fault of our own-but because LIFE is a fucking bitch and has set us up for failure.
I don't believe this. I believe that each of us has the power to do anything we want to do and go anywhere we want to go and accomplish anything we set out to. I believe that with God, miracles can happen and our potential is infinate. But even with my faith set aside, I still believe there are not limitations set on us. I have had this belief since I was only enough to have a memory of my conscious thought. I have always believed that I can be anyone I want to, through hard work, and dedication, intelligence, and commitment. I could be president. I could be a famous actor. I could be a best-selling novelist. Doctor. Teacher. Lawyer. Real-estate mogul. That could be me. I am not limited by my mediocre beginnings. My lack of money or connections or first-rate schooling are not limitations. They do not cap my potential. My family legacy of addiction and metal illness do not define who I or could be. They only thing that could ever stop me is me, or death.
And I've had those moments. Those, "my life sucks and i wish it were over cuz I simply cannot go on anymore." moments. When my mom abandoned me. When my dad would beat me until I wished death would come...just to end the pain. When I lost men, who I lived for on MULTIPLE occsasions to jail, with no concept of when they would be back, or if they would. I would think, "life is a bitch and god hates me" i thought i was cursed. But i'm not. I'm BLESSES. I get to be here. I get to keep going. And I know I can DO whatever it is I want to do. I have that luxury. I have that freedom. I am alive and I am here and neither life or God is against me. I just have to take the good with the bad, cuz it's not always sunny. Sometimes it rains and sometimes theres an ice storm and you end up on the side of the road in a ditch.
But you get up.
You climb out.
You carry on.
And isn't that wonderful?
I sure think it is.
And this beautiful woman that we call life shouldn't be cursed. Maybe that's what makes her a bitch. I know when someone curses me out that pretty much rules out a second date. Maybe we need to wine her and dine her a little more. Maybe we need to put a little more work and effort in our relationship. Maybe we need to be a little more thoughtful and remeber and celebrate the good times we've had with her. I think she'll like that. And maybe the better we are to life, that GORGEOUS woman....maybe the better she'll be to us. And maybe she'll finally let us get the "pussy". That stuff that makes us feel so good. The money or the family or the home or the job or the friends or the security...everything. Maybe if we're nice to life, and treat her right....she'll let us go
You Are 14% Homophobic

You're open minded, tolerant, and accepting.
And you're not homophobic in the least :-)
You Are Big Black Boots!

You can be best described as: attitude
You've got lots of it - and you love to give it
A guy has to be pretty gusty to hit on you
But if he's your type, you'll warm up... a little
What Kind Of Women's Shoe Are You?
Your Love Quote

Love is like pi -- natural, irrational, and very important.
Star Wars Horoscope for Leo

You add a whole new meaning to self-assurance.
You are a nurturing person with great physical strength.
Like many Leos, you will see that your mission for good is completed.
You are very optimistic about the future.
Star wars character you are most like: Princess Leia
What Is Your Star Wars Horoscope?
You Will Keep Your New Year's Resolution

You planning on making a resolution that's smart, attainable, and perfect for where your life is.
Will You Keep Your New Year's Resolution?
You Have Many Alpha Tendencies

You're not a total alpha female, but you certainly know how to - and like to - get your way.
You're forceful without being intimidating. You're confident without being vain. A perfect mix.
Your Life is 63% Perfect

Your life is pretty darn perfect. You don't have much to complain about.
Of course, your life is occasionally less than perfect. But you're usually too happy to notice.
Your Attitude is Better than 55% of the Population

You have a positive attitude... somtimes. You prefer to see the world through clear glasses, not rose colored ones.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
My personal Chakra Reading
Ash, you are radiating positive energy from your:
This is the chakra located at the top of your throat. The fifth chakra represents honesty and truth. In your case, this chakra appears to be clear and unblocked so that positive energy can flow from it freely. Radiating positive energy from your fifth chakra indicates that you've cultivated higher wisdom concerning the important life lessons associated with this energy center. You're apt to feel a more burning need than others do to speak the truth, treat people with respect, and act with integrity. Possessing strong fifth chakra energy also suggests that you're not one to fight your life's natural path. Instead, you seem to align your will with divine will.
More than many others, you really are able to go with the flow. Perhaps this is because you sense that your life is connected to something greater. Such a belief can help you accept situations that don't go your way. It gives you the ability to remember that life has meaning in store for each of us, regardless of how things appear to be going at any given moment. Your willingness to let your life unfold and to stay anchored to what's true likely gives confidence and inspiration to those around you each day. Such positive energy is admirable.
At the same time this positive energy is being conveyed, you are showing signs of an energy disruption in your Fourth Chakra. This blockage could be due to emotional abuse or a high level of difficulty you experienced during childhood. When a person is hurt as a child, it's easy to see who the perpetrator is and who is the victim. However, identifying hurts doesn't always make them go away. It can sometimes be difficult to let go of past injustices without getting angry or feeling that life has dealt you a bad hand. But more importantly, in some cases such trauma can actually set you up for further negative experiences. Such a pattern is known as retraumatization.
Retraumatization occurs when individuals who have been emotionally hurt lose the ability to protect themselves from future harm. In some cases, people fail to build up the boundaries necessary to keep those who would hurt them out of their lives. In others, they may simply never fully heal, so that future problems become more painful. Whatever the case in your own life, taking steps to grieve and move on from past pains, as well as learning to protect yourself from new ones, can help you clear your fourth chakra to feel greater love and openness in your life.
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Your seven chakras

The picture below depicts where each of the seven chakras is located in the human body. Note that some people believe the body has more than seven chakras. However, generally speaking, most believe in the seven energy centers illustrated here.
7th chakra [ level 6.2 ]
6th chakra [ level 4.6 ]
5th chakra [ level 7.3 ]
4th chakra [ level 1.8 ]
3rd chakra [ level 3.4 ]
2nd chakra [ level 3.4 ]
1st chakra [ level 4.2 ]
The First Chakra ..>
[ level 4.2 ] The first chakra or root or base chakra is located at the base of the spine. This is a source of great energy and is the first of the seven chakras in terms of where it is located on your body. Here it is depicted in the body:
Your first chakra is associated with your connection to a tribal force and your sense of belonging in the world. It symbolizes the physical plane of existence — both the earth and your physical body. This being true, it's not surprising that the first chakra is known to be the source of self-preservation and survival. When this first chakra energy is disrupted, you may be more liable to feel alone in the world, be afraid for your safety, and feel disconnected from other people. You're also likely to feel ungrounded, lacking a strong connection to the earth or your body. Energetically, when the first chakra is disrupted you can feel you have no real "roots."
Your first chakra is a level 4.2 out of 10. This means that right now you seem to feel a certain pressure related to the struggle to survive, yet you're not entirely driven by this concern. On the contrary, you're likely able to put issues surrounding your safety and security in perspective most of the time. However, it still appears that the energy in this first chakra is having a negative impact on you at times. This is an area you may want to work on.
These are some common themes associated with problems in the first chakra:
Believing that you're holding onto life by a string, like your life is about to fall apart
Feeling that you are in a powerless position
Working diligently to ensure you do not lose shelter, money, or safety
Extreme blame or lack of identification with your family of origin
Fear that you will be rejected and completely alone
Eating for comfort and to ground the body
Disruption in this chakra is also sometimes associated with separation from the mother at birth.In its ideal state, the first chakra brings health, prosperity, feelings of security, and a vivacious attitude toward life. However, when energy is blocked, it may result in any number of illnesses. Blocked energy in the first chakra is most often associated with problems in the:
Female or male reproductive system
Possible psychological problems associated with disruption in this chakra include:Identity problems
Dissociative disorders
Dependent personality disorder
The Second Chakra ..>
[ level 3.4 ] The second chakra is associated with the element of water. It is often called the sexual chakra, because sexual energy is believed to originate there. But the second chakra is much more than simply a sex chakra; it is the seat of creativity. This chakra is located at the sacrum, which is the densest bone in the spinal column. Here it is depicted visually:
When the second chakra is closed or blocked, it can make the entire person appear lifeless. A blocked second chakra can cut you off from your emotions, and you may feel removed from an interest in sexuality. On the other hand, if your second chakra is excessively open, emotions can sometimes rule your being, creating an unbalanced system overall.
Your second chakra is a level 3.4 out of 10. This means that at present, you may have minor struggles with envy and greed, but generally you aren't governed by these issues. For the most part, your second chakra energy is balanced and flowing. However, at certain moments, you may feel challenges associated with this area flare up, becoming disruptive to your energetic system. This is something you can address and improve.
Some common themes associated with problems in the second chakra are:
Difficulty being a "good loser"
Threatened by dependency on others
Envy and greed dominate thinking
Feelings of entitlement that don't necessarily correspond with actual deserved rewards
Difficulty regulating emotions — either having no access to them or feeling overwhelmed by them
Taking on exaggerated male or female roles
Fear of poverty
In its ideal state, the second chakra brings a sense of fluidity, a depth of satisfaction and feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to go with the flow of life. Blocked energy in the second chakra is often associated with problems in the:Kidneys
Lower back
Prostate gland
It is also associated with:Allergies
Premenstrual syndrome
Sexually transmitted diseases
Menstrual problems
Vaginal infections
Ovarian cysts
Slipped disks
Bladder infections
Possible psychological problems associated with disruptions in this chakra include:Depression
Sexual difficulties
Borderline, narcissistic, antisocial, or histrionic personality disorders
The Third Chakra ..>
[ level 3.4 ] The third chakra is associated with the element of fire. Appropriately, it is located at the solar plexus in the sternum. Here it is depicted in the body:
The third chakra is associated with personal power. People who are empowered have high positive energy emanating from their third chakras. Knowing that you can move things forward in your life to order to learn, grow, and live well is closely related to having a clear third chakra. Individual charisma is also generated in this energetic region. Conversely, people who don't trust their own perceptions or feel confident in their own decisions may experience disruptions in this chakra.
When the third chakra is closed or blocked, it can lead to a lack of energy, fatigue, and a yearning to be quiet and shut down. During times when this chakra is blocked, confrontations with others can be very hard to initiate or even tolerate. Blockage can also lead to problems building and sustaining interpersonal relationships based on equality.
Your third chakra is a level 3.4 out of 10. This means that at this point you have access to some of your personal power, but more of it still remains untapped. Examining issues related to your third chakra could help you gain an even greater connection to this energy center.
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Here are some common themes associated with problems in the third chakra:
Inability to stand up for yourself
Low self-esteem
Feeling unable to make necessary life changes or to get unstuck if in a life rut
Feeling easily overwhelmed by real or perceived obstacles in life
Being overly self-critical
Being highly sensitive to others' criticisms or rejection
Preferring to not make your own decisions
Having trouble receiving compliments
Difficulties building respectful relationships with others
Being easily intimidated
Feeling like a victim
Being resentful about having to take responsibility for others
In its ideal state, the third chakra generates a great deal of energy for meeting personal goals. It also encourages a balanced sense of self, deep self-acceptance, and self-respect. These positive feelings carry over to one's relationships with other people. Blocked energy in the third chakra has been associated with problems in the:Adrenal glands
It is also associated with:Digestive difficulties
Addictions, especially to stimulants
Eating disorders
Coordination problems
Multiple sclerosis
Premature aging
Pancreatic disorders
Possible psychological problems associated with disruptions in this chakra include:Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Uncontrollable or overwhelming anger
Bipolar disorder or more mild but still extreme highs and lows in mood
The Fourth Chakra ..>
[ level 1.8 ] The fourth chakra is associated with the element of air and is sometimes called the heart chakra. This is due both to its location near the heart and because of the emotions with which it is associated. Here it is depicted in the body:
The fourth chakra is associated with a gradual increasing of consciousness, as it sits between the lower three and upper three chakras. However, primarily, it is the center of unconditional love. When a person becomes disconnected from their heart and the emotions associated with this region, the fourth chakra becomes closed off. This often results in both low energy and shallow breathing. At times when you're feeling a fourth chakra blockage, you might even feel that it's difficult to breathe.
Emotionally, when this chakra is blocked, you're likely to feel wounded or victimized. Often this will be due to trying to work out past problems. People who have studied chakras liken this kind of chakra disruption to a hurt child inside of us, hashing out scenes over and over, trying to get closure on difficult events. If this kind of inner turmoil happens on an ongoing basis without relief, the overall effect can be a feeling of being stuck in the past. When the energy from the fourth chakra is disrupted, you may have trouble protecting yourself from emotional harm because you generally feel raw and emotionally vulnerable.
When the fourth chakra is open and energy is flowing positively, far different feelings result. For example, you are likely to feel open, loving, and compassionate to those around you and to be very accepting of people for who they are.
Your fourth chakra is a level 1.8 out of 10. This means that right now, your fourth chakra appears to be disrupted. As a result, you're likely to be plagued with feelings of anger about how events in your life have transpired or about what others have done to you. You also may be feeling fearful and emotionally unstable. Know that this time will pass, and that you can help yourself move to a better, more positive place by taking a look at the issues associated with your fourth chakra.
These are some common themes associated with problems in the fourth chakra:
Feeling stuck and wounded by events from the past
Being unable to forgive someone and holding on to the anger you have toward them
Fear of breaking down emotionally
Being too emotionally vulnerable
Feeling unloved or unworthy of love
Feeling shamed by being rejected
Being resentful of others for the love they receive
Extreme loneliness
Fear of showing affection
In its ideal state, the fourth chakra will radiate love and warmth. It will help also help you feel a strong, centered connection with yourself, so that you can reach out to others with compassion and a lack of judgment. This chakra also helps you to come to new levels of self-discovery. Disrupted energy in the fourth chakra has been tied to problems in the:Heart
Upper back
It is also associated with:Vascular difficulties
High blood pressure
Autoimmunity problems
Heart attacks
Enlarged heart
Blocked arteries
Poor circulation
Possible psychological problems associated with disruptions in this chakra include:Self-destructive behaviors
Suicidal ideology or acts
Trouble emotionally connecting with others
Feeling alienated from others and in opposition to yourself
The Fifth Chakra ..>
[ level 7.3 ] The fifth chakra is associated with acts of communication, including speaking the truth or finding creative ways for self-expression. It is located at the base of the throat and is often called the throat chakra. Here is an illustration:
This chakra is associated with sound in general. The meaning of your own personal truth is central to this chakra. The more free-flowing the energy of this chakra, the more you are able to speak your truth without fearing the consequences — or at least without letting external forces stop you from doing it. When the throat chakra is too open, you may talk more than other people would like and may not listen closely enough.
On a different level, this chakra is also associated with personal will. When the chakra is very open, your will can be excessively strong; when it is closed, your will can seem nonexistent. However, at times when the fifth chakra is in balance, your will is aligned with divine will. During such periods, you're likely to feel that things are going your way, rather than having to fight against the current in order to reach your goals.
When your fifth chakra is disrupted, personal truths can become harder to express. You may even become afraid to speak your opinions or feel unsure about what you might say. Issues of the will can also come to the fore during these negative times. For example, you may feel that when things go wrong, others are entirely to blame and when things go right, it's solely your will that created the success. Such exaggerated and absolute thinking is often connected to disruptions in the fifth chakra.
Your fifth chakra is a level 7.3 out of 10. This means that at present, you're not one who is afraid to speak the truth. In fact, you appear to be well aligned with your true self, and you aren't hesitant to let the world see who you are. Self-expression and skilled communication likely come very naturally to you right now.
Some common themes associated with problems in the fifth chakra are:
Fear of public speaking
Fear of letting go
Feelings of inner rigidity
Fear of exposure
Dishonesty to cover the feared truth
Inability to say what you mean
In its ideal state, the fifth chakra gives you the energy and centering you need to speak the truth. It also helps you to make unique contributions to the world by unleashing creative, self-expressive energy. Blocked energy in the fifth chakra is sometimes associated with problems in the:Ear
Lymphatic system
Mouth and teeth
Neck and shoulders
It is also associated with:Hearing difficulties
Parathyroid complications
Thyroid problems
Sore throat
Jaw misalignment
Stiff neck
Tension headaches
Swollen glands
Possible psychological problems associated with disruptions in this chakra include:Stuttering
Poor auditory memory
Inability to use words for adequate self-expression
Addiction to drugs
Cigarette smoking
Alcohol overuse
The Sixth Chakra ..>
[ level 4.6 ] The sixth chakra is associated both with light and with psychic abilities. This chakra provides a source of inner knowing, as well as an objective reflection of how things are. By being focused on a commitment to the truth and flexibility of thought, people with clear sixth chakras usually have a sense of life's realities that surpasses usual conscious barriers. For this reason, the sixth chakra is connected with higher levels of wisdom and a level disposition. It is located between the eyebrows. Here it is depicted in the body:
When this chakra is closed or blocked, you may have trouble seeing the big picture of events that are unfolding in your life. The truth of matters can be dwarfed in details, and you may become easily confused. At times like these, you can sometimes overlook the subtler forces in any situation because you're so busy giving attention to literal details. You may also find that you have a tendency to judge people and events pretty harshly.
Your sixth chakra is a level 4.6 out of 10. This means that at this point in time, you usually see the forest for the trees. However, you're still likely to have times when stress disrupts your energy and impedes your usually realistic perspective. You could gain more clarity during difficult times by taking some time to work on this chakra.
Here are some common themes associated with problems in the sixth chakra:
Trouble putting things into perspective
Lack of strategic thinking; inability to see the forest for the trees
Inability to pick up on intuitive or psychic information
Being highly focused on concrete, linear thinking
Confusion and clouded thinking
Fear of self-examination and the unknown
Emotional denial
Insecurity over others' skills
Being slow to learn from life experiences
It's also interesting to note that when someone's sixth chakra is too open, they can become so geared toward generalities and the big picture that they become unable to focus on a project's details to complete it. Also, a very open sixth chakra can lead to receiving too much psychic information so that one is overwhelmed by it.In its ideal state, the sixth chakra brings you insight and helps you see both the big picture of a situation and its important details. By providing perspective, this chakra helps balance and prioritize the issues of your daily life. It can also provide access to psychic information. On the other hand, blocked energy in the sixth chakra is associated with problems in the:
Central nervous system
It is also associated with:Headaches
Cancer, especially brain tumors
Visual problems
Neurological disorders
Possible psychological problems associated with disruptions in this chakra include:Extreme confusion
Inability to focus
Either lack of intelligence or access to it
Being hooked on fantasy
Poor visual memory
The Seventh Chakra ..>
[ level 6.2 ] The seventh chakra is associated with thought. It signifies our relationship to all things and the unity of everything. This chakra also symbolizes self-knowledge and spiritual consciousness. It is located at the crown of the head, but it is connected with the entire muscular system, the skeletal system, the skin, and nervous system. Here it is depicted in the body:
The seventh chakra is associated with a more profound spiritual connectedness than the other six chakras are. This chakra is the seat of higher wisdom and the energy that comes from it. The seventh chakra is thought to give access to the infinite intelligence that exists in the universe and is our key to opening the door to it. This chakra allows for self-expression on higher spiritual levels and is associated with the pineal gland, the gland that produces visions in dreams. When asking the question, "Who am I, really?" you are tapping into the energy of your seventh chakra.
When this chakra is closed or blocked, you can feel cut off from spirituality. At such times, your relationship with the divine becomes limited, and fears of the spiritual side of life can be magnified. Disruptions in your seventh chakra can also amount to the inability to gain closure on unfinished business. Such problems have the potential to end up as a real thorn in your side. Most of all, lack of flow in your seventh chakra leads to an inability to live in the present. People with blocked seventh chakra energy seem to always be either revisiting their past or looking ahead to the future.
Your seventh chakra is a level 6.2 out of 10. This means that by and large, you are able to live in the present, but you also have your share of spiritual questioning and self-doubt. By looking inside yourself and the issues below, you can seek out a better balance in your seventh chakra and your faith overall.
Some common themes associated with problems in the seventh chakra are:
Always focusing on the past or the future
Being continually unhappy with the present state of your life
Believing that life has no meaning
Feeling cut off from all things spiritual
Clinging to unfinished business from the past
Fearing true self-knowledge
In its ideal state, the seventh chakra brings a joy and a deep faith that everything happens for a reason. A person with pure, positive energy in their seventh chakra will feel harmony with everything and will be able to tap into the greater wisdom of the universe. Blocked energy in the seventh chakra has been associated with problems such as:Brain tumors
Parkinson's disease
Pituitary problems
Possible psychological problems associated with disruptions in this chakra include:Multiple personalities
Memory problems